[Xmca-l] Re: Habits (Greek: ethos)

Lplarry lpscholar2@gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 06:58:57 PDT 2016

Your focus of your project is aiming to develop the *core of care* as a good. In Charles Taylor’s term a (hypergood) that supercedes other dispositions. 
In order for persons to develop this hypergood requires developing
Being/becoming CRITICAL (aware of how we know what we think we know)
Being/becoming ETHICAL (aware of how others may be affected by what we and others do.

So... We have a project with 3 dispositional concepts that can be guideposts or  *markers*  for *developing* persons with personality.

These 3 markers  can be *evaluative* markers to *indicate persons who are exemplarly in being exemplars of these evaluative markers (dispositional values).

Now my question is if persons who aquire the *core of care* AS  a cultural-historical hypergood then form enduring dispositions that become *internalized* and their CRITICAL and ETHICAL orientations carry over or across (travelling metaphor) multiple situations and contexts EXPRESSING this *particular* disposition we label *core of care*.

Charles Taylor would say this hypergood is the *source* (the ground) of the *sense of self*.

Hypergoods are not felt to be relative goods but rather for Taylor are determinative of our developing dispositions (in contrast to positions)
  The concept *core of care* becomes more determinative and less relative as our *living truth*.
This is true BOTH for the community OF care and the *self* (person’s  exemplary identity) that orients the person who enters situations.
 It becomes the person’s and communities  character *type* ( expressing these *potential* dispositions WITHIN particual existential instances).
This core of care *type* (person and community) is neither relative nor absolute. It is a historically developing *type* but as a *particular*  hypergood does implicate power (or empowering) relations and is contrasted with persons who express other hypergoods .

Rod, the question I have is that I share with you this commitment to develop the *core of care* as an educational type project. 
How do we persuade others of this *message*  (in the sense of a message) that engenders deep commitment to this *virtue*.  I believe Marx, Vygotsky, were bringing messages (Hermes is the God who *carries messages* and *travels*). 
Rod, I read your post as a message which travels far beyond epistemology to seeing scholarship as ontological (types of being/becoming). 
Virtues/values historically form as answers to problems. This ethic of care (your project) is a *calling* (in the form of a message) which you and others are *answering* 
I believe it is the answer for our particular existential moment. It is not relative. We must *choose* and I Believe this *core of care* is the best alternative to develop through *critical and ethical meaning *potential* which we actualize in our living.

Now the notion of (power) or (will to power) is implicated in 


Sent from my Windows 10 phone

From: Rod Parker-Rees

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