[Xmca-l] Fwd: [COGDEVSOC] Assistant Prof, Dev Psych - Pittsburgh

mike cole mcole@ucsd.edu
Mon Aug 29 16:00:28 PDT 2016

Seems like a lot of job for developmentalists these days. This is another
good one.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brownell, Celia <brownell@pitt.edu>
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 12:47 PM
Subject: [COGDEVSOC] Assistant Prof, Dev Psych - Pittsburgh
To: "cogdevsoc@lists.cogdevsoc.org" <cogdevsoc@lists.cogdevsoc.org>

The *Department of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh* announces a t
enure track position at the *Assistant Professor *level, pending budgetary a
pproval, for an individual with a program of research focusing on

Outstanding candidates with a strong theoretical orientation and expertise in
prenatal, infant, child, and/or adolescent development will be considered.
Emphasis in any of the following areas is especially welcomed:

·         Socioemotional, cognitive (including attention), or social-cognit
ive development, including problematic or non-normative development

·         Epigenetic influences

·         Developmental neuroscience (cognitive or affective)

·         Advanced quantitative expertise; or neuroimaging or physiological
methods; or applied or policy-relevant research

As the ability to complement and extend the current strengths of the Psychol
ogy Department is also essential, optimal candidates should have cross-disci
plinary interests that intersect with other departmental program areas.

The Psychology Department (http://www.psychology.pitt.edu) is committed to
excellence in research and in teaching at both the graduate and undergraduat
e levels. The Department has 38 tenure-stream faculty and houses five gradua
te training programs: Biological and Health, Clinical, Cognitive, Developmen
tal, and Social, along with cross-program training opportunities. The interd
isciplinary nature of psychological science is reflected in both faculty re
search interests and collaborations and training options afforded to graduat
e students.

Review of applications will begin immediately, with complete applications re
ceived by October 15, 2016 receiving full consideration. Applications should
be submitted electronically by sending a cover letter, CV, statements of res
earch and teaching interests, three letters of recommendation, and up to thr
ee representative publications to  *p**syrecr@pitt.edu* <psyrecr@pitt.edu>.
The subject heading of recommendation letters should include the applicant’s
last name and the word Recommendation*. *Inquiries regarding the position c
an be addressed to the Chair of the Search Committee, Professor Jana Iverson
(jiverson@pitt.edu). The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action/E

Opportunity Employer and values equality of opportunity, human dignity
and diversity.

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It is the dilemma of psychology to deal as a natural science with an object
that creates history. Ernst Boesch

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