[Xmca-l] Fwd: NCBS Statement on Massacre in South Carolina

Dr. Paul C. Mocombe pmocombe@mocombeian.com
Sun Jun 21 17:50:43 PDT 2015

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<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: NCBS <info@ncbsonline.org> </div><div>Date:06/21/2015  5:55 PM  (GMT-05:00) </div><div>To: pmocombe@mocombeian.com </div><div>Subject: NCBS Statement on Massacre in South Carolina </div><div>

NCBS Issues the following Statement in Response to the Tragic Events in Charleston, South Carolina
* * * * * * * *    JUNE   *    20    *    2015    * * * * * * * *

Peace and blessings Friends,

We're are in a state of mourning

By now we know that a self-proclaimed racist who wanted to start a race war calmly entered the Emanuel AME church during Bible study, waited an hour, perhaps to put the members at ease, and being Christian and trusting, the Black members were at ease, until Dylann Roof opened fire, killing 9 people-six women and three men, after declaring, "you rape our women and are taking over our country."
Just yesterday our hearts bled for the tragic loss of Black lives at the hands of police officers. Today our hearts are bleeding for the tragic loss of lives due to the premeditated terrorist actions of Dylann Roof. Tomorrow, we pray, will bring no more bloodshed or loss of Black lives. We are outraged over the media's revisionist narrative that posits the church attack was not a hate crime directed at Blacks but at Christianity that Dylann Roof is mentally ill, that Black people murdered and abused by police officers were "hardly saints and thugs" who deserved their punishment.
The National Council for Black Studies unequivocally condemns the violent and terrorist actions of those who relentlessly murder Black people, disturb our peace, and disrupt our community.
NCBS' continued commitment to putting theory into practice leads us to the front lines of community issues throughout the African Diaspora. We support peace and social justice throughout the African Diaspora. Therefore, we also condemn the mass deportation of undocumented Haitian immigrants from the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas as the deadline to apply for legal status looms.
As we hope tomorrow will bring no new bloodshed, we know that it will. And our hearts will continue to bleed, and we will cry a river. However, we will continue to fight for peace and social justice. We will not be silent.
We urge all scholars, researchers and community leaders to build strong coalitions. Conduct meaningful study and research of black lives that impacts policy and ultimately impact the lives of our community - through our lens and not through the lens of people who seek to explain the hate away.  
Let's continue to demand justice and insist loudly that Black Lives Matter!  

Light, grace, and balance.


Georgene Bess Montgomery, Ph.D.
President, National Council for Black Studies

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