[Xmca-l] speed of political action

Andy Blunden ablunden@mira.net
Thu Aug 27 22:44:02 PDT 2015

I must share this with my xmca friends.
This morning the government launched an operation which is 
to my mind the kind of thing which could only happen in 
Korea of the Southern states of the US: The newly created 
Border Force was to conduct a campaign of spot checks on 
people in the streets of central Melbourne, checking 
people's "papers". By morning rush hour time a demonstration 
had been mounted at the main railway station, and now in 
late afternoon is blocking off public transport in and our 
of the city, the move was soon all over social media and I 
am told the would-be police-state move had to be called off.
It would have taken a month to get a counter demo. up over 
this in my days, but the opposition moved faster than the 

*Andy Blunden*

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