[Xmca-l] Fwd: open rank position in anthropology at Teachers College

mike cole mcole@ucsd.edu
Wed Aug 26 10:01:21 PDT 2015

Looks to be a good job for the right person.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Herve Varenne <h.varenne@aim.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 7:04 AM
Subject: open rank position in anthropology at Teachers College
To: lchcmike@gmail.com
Cc: "Daehlin, Lisa" <daehlin@exchange.tc.columbia.edu>

Dear Mike,

Our programs in anthropology at Teachers College, Columbia University are
in the happy position of searching for a new faculty member to help us
build our future.  This is an “open rank” position as we seek someone who
will lead us over the long term.  I attach the position advertisement. It
is also found on our web site at:

Since you may not be very familiar with our programs, here are a few
details.  First, our faculty are responsible for two Ph.D. granting
programs: the Program in Anthropology and Education, and the Joint Program
in Applied Anthropology.  The programs share a general curriculum in
anthropology but offer students, and faculty, different openings onto the
worlds where anthropology has been found helpful, both for research and
practice.  Faculty and student research ranges from works on schools and
classrooms, to education outside of schools, to medicine, the environment,
development, the media, religion, engineering, etc.  The faculty and
students have worked in a diverse array of institutions globally.  Our
graduates find positions either in academia or beyond.

Theoretically and methodologically, we have been, and expect to remain,
eclectic.  We do insist on one thing, we are anthropologists and we expect
our students to be trained as professional anthropologists first. We remain
convinced that, when anthropologists enter political worlds where their
advice might directly lead to policy decisions, they must do so with the
strongest disciplinary training that we, as faculty, can offer them.  We
are looking for someone who shares this conviction.

I am contacting you in the hope that you might know someone who would be
interested in exploring possibilities with us.  As you can see from the
advertisement, we have deliberately stated our expectations in broad
terms.  Please, do distribute this advertisement broadly to colleagues,
students, and alumni of your programs.  Do also consider it an invitation
to apply, should the position be something you might be interested in

With my best wishes,

Professor and Coordinator
Programs in Anthropology
Chair, Department of International and Transcultural Studies


It is the dilemma of psychology to deal as a natural science with an
object that creates history. Ernst Boesch
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