[Xmca-l] Anti-intellectualism is taking over the US | Comment is free | theguardian.com

David Preiss daviddpreiss@gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 19:32:24 PST 2014

Book censorship is back in the 21st century....
Just a quote if you don't want to check the full link:

"In fact, I invite you to take on as your summer reading the astonishingly lengthy list of books that have been removed from the Tucson public school system as part of this wholesale elimination of the Mexican-American studies curriculum. The authors and editors include Isabel Allende, Junot Díaz, Jonathan Kozol, Rudolfo Anaya, bell hooks, Sandra Cisneros, James Baldwin, Howard Zinn, Rodolfo Acuña, Ronald Takaki, Jerome Skolnick and Gloria Anzaldúa. Even Thoreau's Civil Disobedience and Shakespeare's The Tempest received the hatchet."



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