[Xmca-l] FW: Online: Newman/Holzman's Revolutionary Vygotsky Starts Nov 11

Peter Smagorinsky smago@uga.edu
Wed Sep 25 06:22:55 PDT 2013

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Newman/Holzman's 'Revolutionary Vygotsky'
An Online Seminar with Lois Holzman

Monday-November 11-Monday, December 2**
$135; Student/Retired $75; Unemployed $50
**Conversation is asynchronous -- participants are in different time zones
and read/post messages according to their own schedule.
Click here to register<https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=L648GMQXTR5UL>

"[Vygotsky's] methodological breakthroughs are more relevant

than ever to the efforts of more and more people to revolutionize

the psychology of our day in order to solve the tasks history is raising for us." Lois Holzman, Lev Vygotsky Revolutionary Scientist

(classic edition, 2013)

Developmentalist and community builder Lois Holzman has traveled the world introducing Newman and Holzman's 'revolutionary Lev Vygotsky' as an indispensable partner to all eager to pursue a performatory, developmental methodology in psychotherapy, education, medicine, youth and organizational development and community organizing.

This three-week seminar is a unique opportunity to study directly with Holzman and explore some of the breakthrough conceptions rooted in Vygotsky that she advances with Newman, including: the search for method; tool-and-result methodology; the (activity) zone of proximal development; creative completion; and the importance of play, pretense and pretending. The course will use as its text Newman and Holzman's Lev Vygotsky Revolutionary Scientist (classic edition, 2013).

Lois Holzman, Ph.D., is the Institute's director and a founder and chief organizer of [Lois in Red] the biennial Performing the World conference. In addition to
Lev Vygotsky Revolutionary Scientist, Holzman has written and edited nine books and over sixty articles on human development, psychology, education and social therapy - among them: Vygotsky at Work and Play; Psychological Investigations: A Clinician's Guide to Social Therapy; Performing Psychology: A Postmodern Culture of the Mind; and with Fred Newman, The End of Knowing and Unscientific Psychology.

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For more information, contact Melissa Meyer, mmeyer@eastsideinstitute.org<mailto:mmeyer@eastsideinstitute.org>, 212-941-8906 ext 304.

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