[Xmca-l] Fwd: [COGDEVSOC] Univ of Delaware - Learning Sciences PhD program

mike cole lchcmike@gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 12:11:47 PDT 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Jaswal, Vikram (vj8n)*
Date: Monday, September 23, 2013
Subject: [COGDEVSOC] Univ of Delaware - Learning Sciences PhD program
To: cogdevsoc@virginia.edu





Dear Colleague,

Do you have undergraduate or masters students who would like to go to
graduate school?  Students who would like to make a difference in society?
 Please think of recommending our newly revised PhD program in Learning
Sciences.  Graduates of the Learning Sciences are seriously in demand given
the state of American education and society. Our program is for students
who wish to receive broad training.  We fully recognize that the Learning
Sciences require an understanding of the interplay between cultural
context, cognition and development, and the architecture of learning
environments – both in schools and in other venues like homes and after
school programs. We offer an interdisciplinary focus, including cognitive
science, psychology and human development as well as a rich methodological
toolkit for developing and assessing outcomes of laboratory research,
investigations relating to learning and teaching, and interventions of all

We have a strong faculty that focus on development, schooling, and learning
at all ages and educational levels.  Many of us hold grants from NIH, NSF,
and the Institute of Education Sciences and are eager to mentor students
who want to do research in the field.

 We generally support our students in good standing for 4-5 years of study
and equip them to become leaders in their fields.  Our track record for
placing our graduates is excellent.

Please urge your students to consider the University of Delaware, School of
Education at  www.education.udel.edu/doctoral/phd/ls/.  We would be happy
to speak with them!

All best and have a great semester!

Roberta Golinkoff
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