[Xmca-l] FW: Invitación a autores

Peter Smagorinsky smago@uga.edu
Thu Sep 19 11:33:12 PDT 2013

I used an internet translater to produce:
The Kayana education magazine invites all those who are dedicated to education or research in education to ship your items until Wednesday 30 October 2013 through its web site: www.octaedro.org/<http://www.octaedro.org/> kayana

The sections of the inaugural number will be:
-Theoretical or reflective analysis
-Description of a method or technique
-An educator profile
-Review of a case of success.

Kayana is an independent initiative proposed and conducted by a group of researchers and academic stakeholders in creating a non-partisan and non-political debate which brings critical, creative and life-giving experience to the educational process in the Ecuador and the region. Learn more about us here: www.octaedro.org/<http://www.octaedro.org/> kayana

Kayana will be presented to the public during the classroom open education Conference, to which we also invite teachers participate as lecturers or participants (more information: www.octaedro.org/<http://www.octaedro.org/> Congress).

I enclose herewith our standards of publication.

Many greetings,

Irene Torres
Director, Kayana Editorial Board

From: Hillocks [mailto:HILLOCKS@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of Steven Wille
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 1:47 PM
Subject: Fwd: Invitación a autores

Dear friends,

My friend and colleague Irene Torres in Quito, Ecuador,  is looking for articles.  You'll have to talk to her about the question of language--she's fluent in English.  I hope some of you will share your wonderful insights with scholars in Ecuador, where educational reform is both afire and unilluminated.

Warm regards from the Equator.

Steven Wille
MAT 1982

Begin forwarded message:

From: Irene Torres <conocoto@gmail.com<mailto:conocoto@gmail.com>>
Subject: Invitación a autores
Date: September 19, 2013 11:49:43 AM GMT-05:00
To: Steven Wille <steven.wille@gmail.com<mailto:steven.wille@gmail.com>>, Mark Odenwelder <modenwelder@gmail.com<mailto:modenwelder@gmail.com>>

La Revista de Educación Kayana invita a todas las personas que se dedican a la educación o a la investigación en educación a enviar sus artículos hasta el miércoles 30 de octubre del 2013 a través de su sitio web: www.octaedro.org/kayana<http://www.octaedro.org/kayana>

Las secciones del número inaugural serán:
- Análisis teórico o de reflexión
- Descripción de un método o técnica
- Perfil de un educador
- Reseña de un caso de éxito.

Kayana es una iniciativa independiente propuesta y conducida por un grupo de investigadoras y académicas interesadas en crear un espacio de debate apolítico y apartidista que aporte con experiencias vivificantes, críticas y creativas al proceso educativo en el Ecuador y la región. Conozca más sobre nosotros aquí: www.octaedro.org/kayana<http://www.octaedro.org/kayana>

Kayana será presentada al público durante el Congreso de Educación AULA ABIERTA, al cual también invitamos a profesores y profesoras para que participen como conferencistas o asistentes (más información: www.octaedro.org/congreso<http://www.octaedro.org/congreso>).

Adjunto a la presente nuestras normas de publicación.

Muchos saludos,

Irene Torres
DIRECTORA, Consejo Editorial de Kayana

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