[Xmca-l] a three-day program -- Discover Development NYC

Peter Smagorinsky smago@uga.edu
Fri Aug 23 14:18:20 PDT 2013


From: Carrie Lobman [mailto:melissaj@eastsideinstitute.ccsend.com]


I am writing to let you know about an exciting opportunity for students and colleagues. As you know, I work closely with Lois Holzman at the East Side Institute, the NYC-based independent research and training center that she and Fred Newman founded almost 30 years ago. In October (and then again in May), the Institute is offering a three-day program -- Discover Development NYC -- that gives people an opportunity to work (and play) with Lois as part of a creative and experiential weekend of rigorous study and playful activities across New York City.

Here's the premise: we want to give people the opportunity to spend three days in New York - soak up the (cosmopolitan) culture and energy - get a feel for the creative community that New York is so famous for - and do this as part of a small-group exploration of what you've heard Lois and me speak about with regard to "New York's development community."

Lois will be the guide for a challenging three days of playing, observing and going behind the scenes to explore some of the showcase, developmental hot spots at the East Side Institute, the Social Therapy Group, Performance of a Lifetime, the All Stars Project and the Castillo Theatre.  We'll talk to the builders of these programs - explore the history, the stumbling blocks, the controversy and their success in using an activity-theoretic, postmodern, performance-based methodology to help people from all walks of life come together to develop.

I am particularly excited about giving this opportunity to colleagues working in university settings and students. Lois is a remarkable teacher, and her community-based, human development projects, combined with her love, passion and knowledge of New York City, provide a wonderful complement to university study/work. Actually a great way to do this program would be to organize a group of students and colleagues to come and participate together (reduced registration for groups is available). But individual applicants are of course welcome.

If you want to hear more or have questions, I would be happy to be in touch.

All Best Regards,

Carrie Lobman

The East Side Institute presents...
Discover Development NYC
A 3-day, group-building exploration of
New York's Development Community

Friday-Sunday, October 25-27, 2013
Registration: $395<https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=53F2Y25XV5BQY>. Limited to 12 participants.

Spend three days in the incomparable City of New York with fellow explorers investigating performances of personal and community development.
[New York Watertower]

Today's buzzwords of innovation, creativity, collaboration and happiness will come alive as your 'discovery group' visits developmental hot spots from Times Square/42nd Street to the Flatiron, and from Fort Greene to Newark.

"Most memorable to me was meeting people from different walks of life, sharing and being vulnerable, playing, 'unscheduled conversations' and, of course, walking around the city!"

Your guide for the three days will be East Side Institute director Lois Holzman, a developmental psychologist and expert in developmental learning and performance activism.

Over a challenging, immersive course of study, observation and play, [LoisNYC] Holzman will introduce you to a diverse development community, where people of all ages and walks of life perform new roles and relationships and imagine/create a more humane world.

Holzman offers an historical look at the success of the community's multi-faceted development programs - built upon 40 years of experimentation outside of traditional institutions.

"Going to the Off-Off-Broadway theater exposed me to artists who are creating both works of art and development."

Discover performance spaces across NYC:

  *   Visit a community therapy center in Brooklyn, where clients perform their emotional development.

  *   Go backstage at an experimental, Off-Off-Broadway theatre.
[Castillo Theatre/Sally &Tom]

  *   Visit innovative after-school programs, including the flagship youth development programs of the All Stars Project.

  *   Let loose in an exclusive improv theatre-skills workshop.

"The improvisation games and activities were the most eye opening moments of my development during the weekend."

  *   Perform as a philosopher in a "developmental philosophy" class.

  *   Meet the architects, educators, actors, designers, therapists, fundraisers, physicians, community organizers, young people and parents who built these programs.
[Discover Development NYC]

  *   Have dinner with Holzman and your new colleagues in a Greenwich Village bistro. Discuss what you've seen, how you've seen it, and how to bring development home.

"Our collective performance was inspiring. The creativity we are capable of when we dive into the unknown!"

[SmoothSpot Studio]
In the course of the three days, you will be introduced to Holzman's mentor and development community founder, the late public philosopher Fred Newman.

You'll learn how in building the East Side Institute community, she and Newman reimagined the contributions of Lev Vygotsky and Ludwig Wittgenstein to devise a postmodern practice of method that is being put to work by a global network of grassroots practitioners.
Register Today!<https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=53F2Y25XV5BQY>
Program is limited to 12 participants.

Questions? For more information, contact:
Melissa Meyer, mmeyer@eastsideinstitute.org<mailto:mmeyer@eastsideinstitute.org>
+1-212-941-8906 x304.

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East Side Institute | 920 Broadway | 14th Floor | New York | NY | 10010

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