Cumulative Index

The Quarterly Newsletter of the Institute for Comparative Human Development - 09/76 - 07/78

The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition - 09/78 - 10/93


The Quarterly Newsletter of the Institute for Comparative Human Development

Volume 1, Number 1 September 1976

TRAUPMANN, Kenneth L.: Differential Deficit: Psychometric Remediation is not Acceptable for Psychometric Artifact

MCDERMOTT, R.P.and PRATT, Michael: Attribution Theory and Social

Interaction: Some Ethnographic Accounts

LEWIS, Michael: A Theory of Conversation

MEHAN, Hugh: Students' Interactional Competence in the Classroom


Volume 1, Number 2 February 1977

LAVE, Jean: Tailor-made Experiments and Evaluating the Intellectual Consequences of Apprenticeship Training

LEAHY, Robert L.: The Development of the Conception of Social Class

ERICKSON, Frederick and SCHULTZ, Jeffrey: When is a Context? Some Issues and Methods in the Analysis of Social Competence

FREEDLE, Roy: The Cultural Underpinings of Psycholinguistics: A

Comparative and Developmental View


Volume 1, Number 3 June 1977

FRANKE, Charles O.: Flying Frames Can Be Dangerous: Some Reflections on Methodology in Cognitive Anthropology

GEARHART, Maryl and NEWMAN, Denis: Turn-taking in Conversation:

Implications for Developmental Research

MCDERMOTT, R.P.and HALL, William: The Social Organization of a

Successful and an Unsuccessful School Performance

SERPELL, Robert: Strategies for Investigating Intelligence in its Cultural Context


Volume 1, Number 4 October 1977

ABRAMYAN, L.A.: On the Role of Verbal Instructions in the Direction of Voluntary Movements in Children

GINSBURG, Herbert: Some Problems in the Study of Schooling and Cognition

SERPELL, Robert: Context and Connotation: The Negotiation of Meaning in a Multiple Speech Repertoire


Volume 2, Number 1 January 1978

BLOOM, Lois: Commentary

HOOD, Lois and SCHIEFFELIN, Bambi B.: Elicited Imitation in Two

Cultural Contexts

WEIL, Joyce: Lexical Development: A Minilongitudinal Approach


Volume 2, Number 2 April 1978

ROGOFF, Barbara: Spot Observation: An Introduction and Examination

HICKMAN, Maya E.: Adult Regulative Speech in Mother-Child Interaction

FRANKLIN, Anthony F.: Socio-linguistic Structure of Word Lists and Ethnic-Group Differences in Categorized Recall

COLE, Michael, HOOD, Lois, and MCDERMOTT, Raymond P.: Concepts of Ecological Validity: Their Differing Implications for Comparative Cognitive Research


Volume 2, Number 3 July 1978

GRAVES, Zoe R. and GLICK, Joseph: The Effect of Context on

Mother-Child Interaction: A Progress Report

SCHWARTZ, Judah L. and TAYLOR, Edwin: Valid Assessment of Complex

Behavior: The TORQUE Approach

KAGAN, Jerome: The Enhancement of Memory in Infancy



The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition

Volume 1, Number 1 September, 1978

ROTH, David: Raven's Matrices as Cultural Artifacts

MOLL, Luis C.: The Importance of the Social in Assessing Bilingual Communicative Performance

WERTSCH, James V. and STONE, C. Addison: Microgenesis as a Tool for Developmental Analysis


Volume 1, Number 2 February 1979

HUTCHINS, Edwin: Reasoning in Trobriand Discourse

SUGARMAN, Susan: Product and Process in the Evaluation of Early

Preschool Intelligence

GLUSHKO, Robert J.: Cognitive and Pedagogical Implications of



Volume 1, Number 3 July, 1979

BELSKY, Jay: The Effects of Context on Mother-Child Interaction:

A Complex Issue

GALLIMORE, Ronald and HU-PEI AU, Kathryn: The Competence/Incomp-

etence Paradox in the Education of Minority Culture Children

SAXE, Geoffrey B.: A Comparative Analysis of the Acquisition of

Numeration: Studies from Papua New Guinea

SIMMONS, Warren: The Effects of the Cultural Salience of Text

Materials on Social Class and Ethnic Differences in Cognitive


FYANS, JR., Leslie J.: A new Multi-Level Analytic Framework for

Conducting Cross-Cultural and Socio-Cultural Psychological



Volume 1, Number 4 October 1979

DELOACHE, Judy S. and BROWN, Ann L.: Looking for Big Bird: Studies of Memory in Very Young Children

OLIVER, Curtis F.: Some Aspects of Literacy in Ancient India

MCNAMEE, Gillian Dowley: The Social Interaction Origins of Narrative Skills

GARVEY, Catherine: An Approach to the Study of Children's Role Play


Volume 2, Number 1 January, 1980

LEVINE, Harold G., ZETLIN, Andrea G., LANGNESS, L. L.: Everyday Tasks in Classrooms for TMR Learners

ENRIGHT, Robert D., MANHEIM, Lesley A., and FRANKLIN, Christina C.: Toward a Standardized and Objective Methodology for Studying Children's Distributive Justice Reasoning

HUNDEIDE, Karsten: The Origin of the Child's Replies in Experimental Situations


Volume 2, Number 2 April, 1980

TAYLOR, Marsha and ORTONY, Andrew: Rhetorical Devices in Black

English: Some Psycholinguistic and Educational Observations

SCOLLON, Ron and SCOLLON, Suzanne, B. K.: Literacy as Focused


KAREEV, Yaakov: Mini-Typologies in Cross-Groups Studies

ROHWER, Jr., William D.: How the Smart Get Smarter


Volume 2, Number 3 July, 1980

LEVIN, James A. and KAREEV, Yaakov: Problem Solving in Everyday


MOLL, Luis C., ESTRADA, Elette, DIAZ, Esteban, and LOPES, Lawrence M.: The Organization of Bilingual Lessons: Implications for Schooling

ANDERSON, Alonzo B., TEALE, William H., and ESTRADA, Elette: Low-Income Children's Preschool Literacy Experiences: Some Natuaralistic Observations

MITCHELL, Jacquelyn: Hassling in the Kitchen: A Context for Betting and Making Rules

QUINSAAT, Marilyn G.: "But It's Important Data!" Making the Demands of a Cognitive Experiment Meet the Educational Imperatives of the Classroom


Volume 2, Number 4 October 1980

GOLD, Eric and NEISSER, Ulric: Recollections of Kindergarten

DASEN, Pierre R.: Psychological Differentiation and Operational

Development: A Cross-Cultural Link

LAVE, Jean: What's Special about Experiments as Contexts for Thinking


Volume 3, Number 1 January 1981

LOPES, Lawrence M.: Problem Solving in a Human Relationship: The

Interactional Accomplishment of a "Zone of Proximal Development"

During Therapy

CAZDEN, Courtney B.: Performance Before Competence: Assistance

to Child Discourse in the Zone of Proximal Development

GINSBURG, Herbert P., RUSSELL, Robert L., and POSNER, Jill K.:

Mathematics Learning Difficulties in African Children: A Clinical

Interview Study

D'ANDRADE, GOODWIN, Roy, and ROMNEY, A. Kimball: Psychological and Anthropological Approaches to Cognition


Volume 3, Number 2 April 1981

AZUMA, Hiroshi: A Note on Cross-Cultural Study

INAGAKI, Kayoko: Facilitation of Knowledge Integration through

Classroom Discussion

KASHIWAGI, Keiko: Note on the Socialization Processes in Japan

HATANO, Giyoo, KUHARA, Keiko, and AKIYAMA, Michael: Kanji Help

Readers of Japanese Infer the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words

SAITO, Hirofumi: Toward Comparative Studies in Reading Kanji and


SAYEKI, Yutaka: "Body Analogy" and the Cognition of Rotated Figures


Volume 3, Number 3 July 1981

SUTTON-SMITH, Brian and HEATH, Shirley Brice: Paradigms of Pretense

CARMI, Gideon: The Role of Context in Cognitive Development

MIYAKE, Naomi: The Effect of Conceptual Point of View on Understanding

SAXE, Geoffrey B.: Changing Collective Representations for Number in Oksapmin Communities


Volume 4, Number 1 January 1982

FRENCH, Lucia and NELSON, Katherine: Taking Away the Supportive

Context: Pre-schoolers Talk About the "Then and There"

GARDNER, William and ROGOFF, Barbara: The Role of Instruction in

Memory Development: Some Methodological Choices

STIGLER, James W., BARCLAY, Craig, and AIELLO, Patrick: Motor

and Mental Abacus Skill: A Preliminary Look at an Expert

HATANO, Giyoo: Cognitive Consequences of Practice in Culture

Specific Procedural Skills


Volume 4, Number 2 April 1982

COLE, Michael and D'ANDRADE, Roy: The Influence of Schooling on

Concept Formation: Some Preliminary Conclusions

NEWMAN, Denis: Perspective-taking Versus Content in Understanding Lies

MILLER, Peggy: Teasing: A Case Study in Language Socialization and Verbal Play

LCHC: Microcomputer Communication Networks for Education

LEVIN, James: Microcomputers as Interactive Communication Media:

An Interactive Text Interpreter


Volume 4, Number 3 July 1982

LCHC: A Model System for the Study of Learning Difficulties


Volume 4, Number 4 October 1982

PADDEN, Carol and MARKOWICZ, Harry: Learning to be Deaf: Conflicts Between Hearing and Deaf Cultures

GALOTTI, Kathleen M. and NEISSER, Ulric: Young Children's Recall of Christmas

OLSON, DAVID R.: Consequences of Schooling

FINE, Jonathan: On the Interpretation of Language Data for Cognitive Purposes

BLOOM, Lois: The Supportive Context: Both Here and There and Now and Then


Volume 5, Number 1 January 1983

HOLQUIST, Michael: The Politics of Representation

EMERSON, Caryl: Bakhtin and Vygotsky on Internalization of Language

INAGAKI, Kayoko and HATANO, Giyoo: Collective Scientific Discovery by Young Children

HUTCHINS, Edwin: Myth and Experience in the Trobriand Islands

FRENCH, Lucia and NELSON, Katherine: More Talk About Then and



Volume 5, Number 2 April 1983

BRUSHLINSKY, Andrey B.: The Problem of Social vs. Individual in

Cognitive Psychology: Analysis-by-Synthesis and Group Problem Solving

MICHAELS, Sarah: Influences on Children's Narratives

SUGARMAN, Susan: The Development of Inductive Strategy in Children's Early Thought and Language

SPEIDEL, Gisela E., GALLIMORE, Ronald, and KABOYASHI, Linda: Facilitating Transfer of Learning: The Influence of Environmental



Volume 5, Number 3 July 1983

COHEN, Moshe: Exemplary Computer Use in Education

THE COMPUTER USE STUDY GROUP: Computers in Schools: Stratifier

or Equalizer?

ADAMS, Emily Vargas: The CEDEN Community Computer Education

Program: An Experiment in Educational Equity

RIEL, Magaret: Education and Ecstasy: Computer Chronicles of

Students Writing Together

SCOLLON, Ron: Computer Conferencing: A Medium for Appropriate



Volume 5, Number 4 October 1983

COLE, Michael and GRIFFIN, Peg: A Socio-Historical Approach to


DURAN, Richard P.: Cognitive Theory and Children's Oral Reading


KELLY-BYRNE, Diana and SUTTON-SMITH, Brian: Narrative as Social

Science: A Case Study

FIVUSH, Robyn: Negotiating Classroom Interaction

LCHC: Paradigms and Prejudice


Volume 6, Numbers 1 and 2 Jan/April 1984

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: Practical Problem-Solving on the Job

FAHRMEIER, Edward: Taking Inventory: Counting as Problem-


SCRIBNER, Sylvia: Product Assembly: Optimizing Strategies and

their Acquisition

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: Pricing Delivery Tickets: "School Arithmetic"

in a Practical Setting

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: Organizing Knowledge at Work

SCRIBNER, Sylvia, GAUVAIN, Mary, and FAHRMEIER, Edward: Use of

Spatial Knowledge in the Organization of Work

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: Technical Note: Frequency Effect in Retrieval

of Job-related Knowledge

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: Toward a Model of Practical Thinking at Work


Volume 6, Number 3 July 1984

GROSSEN, Michele and PERRET-CLERMONT, Anne-Nelly: Some Elements

of a Social Psychology of Operational Development of the Child

JOHN-STEINER, Vera: Learning Styles Among Pueblo Children

ZUKOW, Patricia G.: Folk Theories of Comprehension and Caregiver

Practices in a Rural Born Population in Central Mexico

KOIVUKARI, A. Mirjami: Rote or Comprehension: Does a Teacher

Get What S/he Wants?


Volume 6, Number 4 October 1984

ROSA, Alberto, OCHAITA, Esperanza, MORENO, Enrique, FERNANDEZ,

Emilio, CARRETERO, Mario, & POZO, Juan: Cognitive Development in

Blind Children: A Challenge to Piagetian Theory

AMERINE, Ronald and BILMES, Jack: Following Instructions

DELOACHE, Judy S.: What's This? Maternal Questions in Joint

Picture Book Reading with Toddlers

HU-PEI AU, Kathryn and KAWAKAMI, Alice J.: A Conceptual

Framework for Studying the Long-term Effects of Comprehension



Volume 7, Number 1 January 1985

MCDERMOTT, R.P.: Wisdom From the Periphery: Talk, Thought and

Politics in the Ethnographic Theater of John Millington Synge

MCNAMEE, Gillian Dowley and HARRIS-SCHMIDT, Gail: Narration and

Dramatization as a Basis for Remediation of Language Disorders

DIAZ, Rafael M.: The Intellectual Power of Bilingualism

BEACH, King: The Role of Memory in Learning to Become a

Bartender: An Ethnographic/Experimental Approach

DIBAR URE, M. Celia and COLINVAUX, Dominique: New Results on the

Reasoning of Unschooled Adults


Volume 7, Number 2 April 1985

TUDGE, Jonathan: The Effect of Social Interaction on Cognitive

Development: How Creative is Conflict

MARTIN, Laura M. W.: The Role of Social Interaction in

Children's Problem Solving

DURANTI, Alessandro: Famous Theories and Local Theories: The

Samoans and Wittgenstein

NEWMAN, Denis: Functional Environments for Microcomputers in


HUTSON, Barbara and THOMPSON, Diane: Moving Language Around on

the Word Processor: Cognitive Operations Upon Language

***************************************************************** Volume 7, Number 2 July 1985

CROOK, Charles: Electronic Messaging and the Social Organization of Information

MICHAELS, Sarah: Classroom Processes and the Learning of Text

Editing Commands

DELGADO-GAITAN, Concha and TRUEBA, Henry T.: Dilemma in the

Socialization of Mexican-American Children: Sharing for

Cooperation or Copying for Competition

ZINSSER, Caroline: For the Bible Tells Me So: Teaching Children

in a Fundamentalist Church

HOFFMAN, Sandra Josephs: Play and the Acquisition of Literacy


Volume 7, Number 4 October 1985

LUCY, John A.: The Historical Relativity of the Linguistic

Relativity Hypothesis

VAN DER VEER, Rene: The Cultural-Historical Approach in

Psychology: A Research Program?

SCHNEIDER, Phyllis, HYLAND, John, and GALLIMORE, Ronald: The

Zone of Proximal Development in Eighth Grade Social Studies

LANCY, David F., COHEN, Herb, EVANS, Barbara, LEVINE, Nancy, and

NEVIN, Mary Lou: Using the Joystick as a Tool to Promote

Intellectual Growth and Social Interaction

CUNNINGHAM, Anne E. and PARIS, Scott G.: The Origins of Computer


VAUGHN, Billy: Computer Networks and Education


Volume 8, Number 1 January 1986

LARSEN, Mogens Trolle: Writing on Clay from Pictograph to


SCHOUSBOE, Karen: Panis El Circensen-Orality and Visuality in

Medieval Denmark

JENSEN, Minna Skafte: Types and Versions in Ballad Tradition:

The Oral Poet's Use of the Potentialities of Variation

ENGESTRÖM, Yrjö: The Zone of Proximal Development as the Basic

Category of Educational Psychology


Volume 8, Number 2 April 1986

HUTCHINS, Edwin: Mediation and Automatization

HEDEGAARD, Mariane: Two Approaches to Thinking and Knowledge


DURANTI, Alessandro: Framing Discourse in a New Medium: Openings in Electronic Mail

HUMPHRIES, Tom: Planning and Evaluating Culturally Sensitive

Post-Secondary Educational Programs for Deaf People


Volume 8, Number 3 July 1986

EDWARDS, Derek and MIDDLETON, David: Conversation with Bartlett

DIAZ, Rafael: The Union of Thought and Language in Children’s

Private Speech

MCLANE, Joan B. and WERTSCH, James V.: Child-Child and Adult-

Child Interaction: A Vygotskian Study of Dyadic Problem Systems

HEAP, James L.: Achieving Displays of Computer Literacy:

Unfolding Cunningham and Paris' Findings

REVIEW ARTICLE: FULLER, Alison: Literacy in Theory and Practice,

by Brian Street

WORK-IN-PROGRESS: C.A. Cameron: Grandmothers, Teachers and

Little Girls


Volume 8, Number 4 October 1986

MINICK, Norris: The Early History of the Vygotskian School: The

Relationship between Mind and Activity

KLINGELER, Cynthia: The Self-Regulatory Speech of Children in an

Additive Bilingual Situation

BRANDT, Mary E.: When Can We Believe our Data on Children? The

Importance of Being There

CHADSEY, Terry: Mixed Ability Grouping for Reading Instruction:

An Alternative to Traditional Practice



Volume 9, Number 1 January 1987

MIDDLETON, David: Some Issues and Approaches

SCHUDSON, Michael: Preservation of the Past in Mental Life

SHOTTER, John: Remembering and Forgetting as Social Institutions

WERTSCH, James: Collective Memory: Issues from a Socio-historical Perspective

MIDDLETON, David: Dance to the Music: Conversational Remembering

and Joint Activity in Learning an English Morris Dance

EDWARDS, Derek: Educational Knowledge and Collective Memory

WALLER, Marguerite: Commemoration: Making Family History as a

Family Event

WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Collecting Children's Comments on Computers


Volume 9, Number 2 April 1987

GOODY, Esther: Why Must Might be Right? Observations on Sexual


PUNAMAKI, Raija-Leena: Psychological Stress Responses of

Palestinian Mothers and Their Children in Conditions of Military

Occupation and Political Violence

MORDKOWITZ, Eliott R. and GINSBURG, Herbert P.: Early Academic

Socialization of Successful Asian-American College Students A New

Series of Papers in Pragmatics


Volume 9, Number 3 July 1987

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: On Reading Vygotsky

DI BELLO, Lia and ORLICH, Felice: How Vygotsky's Notion of

"Scientific Concept" May Inform Contemporary Studies of Theory


LEVY, Elena: A Vygotskian Perspective on Discourse: From Complex to Concept

ROTER, Armonit: The Concept of Consciousness: Vygotsky's Contribution

WHITE, Sheila J.: Lost for Words: A Vygotskian Perspective on the Developing Use of Words by Hearing-Impaired Children

NELSON, Katherine: Discussion

WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Middleton, D., Edwards, D. Facing the Future

in Development/Reflections on the Zone of Proximal Development

CONFERENCE REPORT: Cole, M., Gardner H., Sayeki Y. Arts and



Volume 9, Number 4 October 1987

JARDINE, David W. and MORGAN, Griffith A.V.: Analogical Thinking

in Young Children and the Use of Logico-Mathematical Knowledge as

a Paradigm in Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology

CAPON, Noel, KUHN, Deanna, and CARRETERO, Mario: Shopping

Styles and Skills: Everyday Cognition in a "Noncognitive Task"

WOLTERS, Miriam, FISCHER, Coen, and ZUIDEMA, Johan: Balanced

Measurement of Cognitive Development: A Discussion on

Methodological Problems with the Balance Scale

HATANO, Giyoo and INAGAKI, Kayoko: Everyday Biology and School

Biology: How do they Interact?



Volume 10, Number 1 January 1988

SCHLIEMANN, Analucia: Understanding the Combinatorial System:

Development, School Learning, and Everyday Experience

FARRELL, Edwin: The Formal Thinkers Among Us

TOTSUKA, Takito and MIYAKE, Naomi: Computer as a Tool for

Children's Exploration of Nature

PULOS, Steven and FISHER, Sarah: The Child's Understanding of


ENGESTRÖM, Yrjö: Reconstructing Work as an Object of Research

REVIEW ARTICLE: D. Holland & N. Quinn (Eds.), Cultural Models in

Language and Thought, by Michael Cole


Volume 10, Number 2 April 1988

BAKHURST, David: Activity, Consciousness and Communication

SUTTER, Berthel and GRENSJO, Bengt: Explorative Learning in the

School? Experiences of Local Historical Research by Pupils

ENGESTRÖM, Yrjö and KALLINEN, Timo: Theatre as a Model System for

Learning to Create

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Society and Journal


Volume 10, Number 3 July 1988

BARTON, David: Exploring the Historical Basis of Contemporary


VERDONIK, Frederick, FLAPAN, Valerie, SCHMIT, Cynthia, and

WEINSTOCK, Jill: The Role of Power Relationships in Children's

Cognition: Its Significance for Research on Cognitive


HUNDEIDE, Karsten: Metacontracts for Situational Definitions and

for Presentation of Cognitive Skills

HANSON, Vicki and PADDEN, Carol: The Use of Videodisc Interactive

Technology for bilingual Instruction in American Sign Language

and English


Volume 10, Number 4 October 1988

LUCY, John A.: The Role of Language in the Development of

Representation: A Comparison of the View of Piaget and Vygotsky

GASKINS, Suzanne and GONCU, Artin: Children's Play as

Representaiton and Imagination: The Case of Piaget and Vygotsky

AYMAN-NOLLEY, Saba: Piaget and Vygotsky on Creativity

BROWN, Terrance: Why Vygotsky? The Role of Social Interaction in

Constructing Knowledge



Volume 11, Numbers 1 & 2 January/April 1989

CARRAHER, Terezinha Nunes and DE LEMOS, Meira L.: Learning Computer Languages and Concepts

GINSBURG, Herbert P.: The Role of the Personal in Intellectual


HATANO, Giyoo: Two Micro-worlds of Computations: How are they Related

SAXE, Geoffrey B.: Selling Candy: A Study of Cognition in Context

VERGNAUD, Gerard: A Content-Oriented Approach to Research on the Learning of Mathematics and Natural Language

VOIGHT, Jorg: The Social Constitution of the Mathematics Province-A Micro-ethnographical Study in Classroom Interaction

BRYANT, P.E.: Unevenness in Mathematical and Cognitive Development: A Discussion of the Five Papers

EDWARDS, Derek: The Pleasure and Pain of Mathematics: On Walkerdine's the Mastery of Reason


Volume 11, Number 3 July, 1989

BELYAEVA, A. V. and COLE, M.: Computer-mediated Joint Activity in

the Service of Human Development: An Overview


Figurative and Metaphorical Components in the Process of

Denominating the New Technological Milieu


COLE, M., SCOTT, A., and SMEATON, R.: The Heuristic Function of

Metaphor and Issues in the Use of the Electronic Wizard

EDWARDS, D.: Phase Transformations as Discursively Occasioned



Volume 11, Number 4 October 1989

SEIFERT, Colleen M. and HUTCHINS, Edwin L.: Learning Within a

Distributed System

NICOLOPOULOU, Ageliki: The Invention of Writing and the Development of Numerical Concepts in Sumeria: Some Implications for Psychology

VAN DER VEER, Rene: Overcoming Dualism in Psychology: Vygotsky's Analysis of Theories of Emotion

STILL, Arthur and COSTALL, Alan: Mutual Elimination of Dualism in

Vygotsky and Gibson

LANDOLFI, Liliana: Explanation as Joint Activity

INAGAKI, Kayoko: Questioning the Acquisition of Knowledge in Japan



Volume 12, Number 1 January 1990

KREWER, Bernd and JAHODA, Gustav: On the Scope of Lazarus and

Steinthal's "Volkerpsychologic" as Reflected in the Zeitschrift

fur Volkerpsychologic und Sprachwissenschaft (1860-1890)

STERN, Erich: Problems of Cultural Psychology

KREWER, Bernd: Psyche and Culture-Can a Culture-Free Psychology

Take into Account the Essential Features of the Species "Homo


ECKENSBERGER, Lutz H.: From Cross-Cultural Psychology to Cultural Psychology


Volume 12, Number 2 April 1990

BRANDT, Mary E.: Getting Social About Critical Thinking: Power and Constraints of Apprenticeship

BAYER, Ann Shea: University Students as Apprentice Thinkers

JACOBS, Suzanne E.: Scaffolding Children's Consciousness as Thinkers

ADAMS, Alison K.: Classifier as Apprentice

LEVIN, Paula: Culturally Contextualized Apprenticeship: Teaching and Learning through Helping in Hawaiian Families

WATSON-GEGEO, Karen Ann: The Social Transfer of Cognitive Skills in Kwara'ae

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: Reflections on a Model


Volume 12, Number 3 July, 1990

SERPELL, Robert:


The Reflexive Triangle

Three Cultural Constraints on Psychological Theory

The Emic-Etic Formulation

Competence and Self-Image in the Understanding of Behavior

Models, Analogies, and Metaphors


Volume 12, Number 4 October, 1990

LITOWITZ, Bonnie E.: Just Say No: Responsibility and Resistance

GLASSMAN, Michael: Self, Other and Society: A Vygotskian View

of Creativity

MORTENSEN, Aksel: Culture and Micro-cosmos of Individuals: The

Idiosyncratic Room of the Person

HEDEGAARD, Mariane and CHAIKLIN, Seth: Review Article: Davydov,

V.V., Problems of Developmental Theoretical and Experimental

Psychological Research



Volume 13, Number 1 January, 1991

GUERRA, Juan C.: The Role of Ethnography in the Reconceptualization of Literacy

PEASE-ALVAREZ, Lucinda: Oral Contexts for Literacy Development

in a Mexican Immigrant Community

VASQUEZ, Olga A.: Reading the World in a Multicultural Setting:

A Mexicano Perspective

ALLEXSAHT-SNIDER, Martha: Family Literacy in a Spanish-Speaking

Context: Joint Construction of Meaning

CINTRON, Ralph: Reading and Writing Graffiti: A Reading

DELGADO-GAITAN, Concha: Discussants' Comments on Preceding


WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Ricardo D. Stanton-Salazar: The Impact of

Social and Information Networks on the Schooling Experiences and

Life-Chances of Mexican-Origin High School Youth


Volume 13, Number 2 April, 1991

BEALS, Diane E.: Stories from the Classroom: Rate of Response to Personal Event Narratives Told by Beginning Teachers

RUTLAND, Adam: The Zone of Proximal Development: A Mutual

Construction of Meaning Between Adults and Children With a

Learning Difficulty

BROCKMEIER, Jean: The Construction of Time, Language, and Self


Volume 13, Number 3 July, 1991

BECKER, Judith A. and GOODNOW, Jacqueline J.: "What's the Magic Word?" "Were You Born in a Tent?"- The Challenge of Accounting

for Parents' Use of Indirect Forms of Speech with Children

GAUVAIN, Mary and DE MENT, Terri: The Role of Shared Social History in Parent-Child Cognitive Activity

REVIEW SYMPOSIUM: L. C. Moll (Ed.), Vygotsky and Education

ENGESTRÖM, Yrjö: A Legacy in Transition

GELB, Steven A.: Street Level and Trickle-Down Psychology

SALJO, Roger: Vygotskian Lessons

WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Michael Cole. H. Drummon's, "The Ascent of



Volume 13, Number 4 October 1991

HAKKARAINEN, Pentti: Joint Construction of the Object of Educational Work in Kindergarten

ENGESTRÖM,Yrjö, BROWN, Katherine, CHRISTOPHER, L. Carol, and GREGORY, Judith: Coordination, Cooperation and Communication in

the Courts: Expansive Transitions in Legal Work

VIRKKUNEN, Jaakko: Toward Transforming Structures of

Communication in Work: The Case of Finnish Labor Protection




Volume 14, Number 1 January, 1992

EDGEWORTH, Matthew: Analogy as Practical Reason: The Perception

of Objects in Archaelogical Practice

AXEL, Eric: One Developmental Line in European Activity Theories

BROGSTROM, Stig: Quick Response: An Ethnographic Analysis of a

Drama-Game in a Danish Preschool

AGRE, Phil: Formalization as a Social Project


Volume 14, Number 2 April 1992

GASKINS, Suzanne and GONCU, Artin: Cultural Variation in Play: A Challenge to Piaget and Vygotsky

WERTSCH, James V. and BIVENS, Jennifer A.: The Social Origins of

Individual Mental Functioning: Alternatives and Perspectives

COYLE, Brian: Oral Tradition, Visual Media, and Information Transfer in an African Development Experiment


WORK-IN-PROGRESS: Alexandra Belyaeva. Scholarly Networking


Volume 14, Number 3 July, 1992

KESSEL, Frank: Children's Lives, Stories, and Literacy: The


PALEY, Vivian Gussin: Waking Up and Finding Myself in a Classroom

MC NAMEE, Gillian Dowley: Vivian Paley's Ideas at Work in Head Start

LINDFORS, Judith Wells: Wally's Stories: A Challenge to Conventional Wisdom

FELDMAN, Carol: On Reading Paley


REVIEW ARTICLE: Michael Cole: The Learning Gap, by H. W. Stevenson and J. W. Stigler


Volume 14, Number 4 October, 1992

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: The Cognitive Consequences of Literacy

SCRIBNER, Sylvia: Mind in Action: A Functional Approach to Thinking




CAZDEN, Courtney B. MOLL, Luis C.

DI BELLO, Lia NELSON, Katherine

ENGESTROM, Yrjo NUNES, Terezinha

GLICK, Joseph OLSON, David

GREENFIELD, Patricia REDER, Stephen

HATANO, Giyoo SALJO, Roger


HIRST, William TOBACH, Ethel



MARTIN, Laura M. W. COLE, Michael



Volume 15, Number 1 January, 1993

BOESCH, Ernest E.: The Sound of the Violin

LAWRENCE, Roderick J.: Reinterpretation of Cognitive, Institutional, and Material Structure in an Integrative Historical Perspective

FUHRER, Urs: Living in Our Own Footprints-and in Those of Others: Cultivation as Transaction

WASSMANN, Jurg: When Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The Classification of Food Among the Yupno of Papua New Guinea

KINDRED, Jessica B.: Comments: Sylvia Scribner as a Methodologist

SORZIO, Paolo: Manifold Rationalities. On Reading Sylvia Scribner's Works


Volume 15, Number 2 April, 1993

KHAN, Farida A.: Cognitive Organization and Work Activity: A

Study of Carpet Weavers in Kashmir

UENO, Naoki, and ARIMOTO, Norifumi: Learning Physics by Expanding the Metacontext of Phenomena

MINOURA, Yasuko: Culture and Personality Reconsidered: Theory

Building from Cases of Japanese Children Returning from the United States

TUDGE, Jonathan, PUTNAM, Sarah, and SIDDEN, Judy: Preschoolers'

Activities in Socio-Cultural Context


Volume 15, Number 3 July, 1993

LANG, Alfred: Non-Cartesian Artefacts in Dwelling Activities: Steps Towards a Semiotic Ecology

JANIKAS, Kristen: Hand Clapping Games: Rhythmic Recordings of

Girlhood Socialization

SAARELMA, Osmo: Descriptions of Subjective Networks as a Mediator of Developmental Dialogue


Volume 15, Number 4 October 1993

REDER, Stephen: Watching Flowers Grow: Polycontextuality and

Heterochronicity at Work

SACHS, Patricia: Shadows in the Soup: Conceptions of Work and

the Nature of Evidence

MCALLISTER, Alan: To Capture a Process: Hierarchial-Sequential

Representatives of a Computer-Based Activity