ECE 198:
Teaching and Learning Engineering

Week Two: Assigned 1/17 for 1/24

Readings will be directed as follows:
  • NYTimes piece David
  • Driver et all: Phil
  • Shipstone: Tona
  • Lopez & Shultz: Luna

    Everyone will be required to turn in 3 questions or comments on each piece.

    Presenters should spend 3-5 min. summarizing the piece for everyone (you will be cut off at 10min for certain). We will all have read the piece. However, you should bring some questions to spur discussion for the class or think of an activity to engage us in thinking about issues raised by the paper. I will happily provide with you any reasonable resources. I shall show up to class with a bunch of batteries, light bulbs, wires, and whatnot if that helps. Each piece will get between 15-20min.. or if you believe these overlap well, you can make joint presentations.

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