






Dissemination & Education

Members of LCHC are active participants in XMCA, the list-serve discussion associated with the journal Mind, Culture, and Activity. Both of these fora serve as media for disseminating the work of LCHC.

Anyone interested in these activities is invited to join into the discussion. Inquiries concerning one or more of these activities should be directed to

Geographical feedback about the global (real) community use.

Recent Talks: To view the talks you might need to download: PC or Mac or QuickTime

AERA Sylvia Scribner Award, 2010. In 2010 the lab was awarded the American Educational Research Association's Sylvia Scribner Award. Several generations of members from the lab gave a collective talk for the occasion at the AERA conference in Denver, 2010. (Note: link goes to the slide presentation and papers delivered at the talk)

Boston SCRD, 2007 - The Centrality of Artifacts in Designing Environments to Promote Development: The Case Study of the 5th Dimension

Berkeley, 2006

Interview (2006): "The Role of Technology in Learning and Education"

Remembering Giyoo Hatano - wmv (large file)

Cross-cultural and Historical Perspectives on the Consequences of Education: Implications for the Future, Oxford, Nov 1, 2002. (NOTE: This is a PowerPoint Presentation.)

Webcast Lectures:

Mediation, Creativity, and Consciousness.
The lecture was a bilingual interactive English/Russian video conference transmitted over the Internet.
Mike Cole and Olga Kuchinskaya

Networks and Virual Worlds
Lecture transmited to Helsinki on Nov 18, 2003
Mike Cole and Etienne Pelaprat.

Lectures in Russian:

A collection of Lectures about Vygotsky and related Research in Russian.

LCHC WebMaster


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